Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring, Glorious Spring

FINALLY, I can feel Spring in the air. It's been a long time coming and some days I nearly gave up on it ever happening. When I realized that it's been six months (SIX MONTHS!!!) since there was living color in the environment I wonder about living in Wisconsin. Can I really survive in this climate?

Spring so far is only little bits of green and some crocus and jonquils. But the days are getting longer (more light) and slightly warmer. The birds are singing all the time, and I've seen the squirrels and rabbits being frisky. I'm optimistic about Summer arriving eventually. I love Spring. I hope for a nice, long Spring.

The other day it was so nice that I took my lunch at the outdoor tables. The sun was warm on my back, the glare on my book made my eyes water. I could have easily taken a nap with the warm sun on my face. It's cooler now, but I know the warm will return again and again until the trees leaf, the flowers bloom and I'm surrounded by all that glorious color!!! Can't wait!

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