Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sheboygan Community Garden

Sheboygan Community Garden is one of a variety of Community Gardens located in Madison. I chose this one because it is close. I can walk through the park to the garden. It has nearly 100 gardeners and is an organic garden.
Last year was my first year gardening there, and I didn't do a great job. I planted and took care of it in the Spring, but by high Summer, I neglected it. We ate a lot of vegetables from the garden, but a lot more perished in the heat and general neglect.
As the new gardening year approached, I had to seriously consider whether or not I was going to garden again. I would be just as happy to buy my produce from the Farmer's Market, but the Big Guy wants to garden. So I paid the fee and am thinking of what we will plant this year.
This is our plot. I plan to photograph and detail the garden as it happens, as I'm trying something totally different this year.

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