This year is going to be a GREAT year for me. I was born in 1954, and I'll be 54 this year. So, I figure that double 54 MUST be significant?!
Plus, I've realized that I have ONE year to achieve a personal deadline. For 30 years, I've been saying I'm going to write. I do write, I just never finish anything. I have several novels/stories partially done. This year, I have to finish my novel. It absolutely, positively, has to be finished before I turn 55.
So, I'm incorporating the Writer's Slogan of "Never A Day Without A Line!" and I intend to live by this credo.
For the past few weeks, I've been thinking about which novel I intend to finish. After much deliberation, I've decided to go for the gusto and write my historical romance. What if I only have one book in me? It would have to be this one.
You have my permission to check up on me and ask me point blank how many pages I've written. If the answer isn't constantly changing as the year passes, you also have my permission to kick me in the butt and tell me to GET WITH IT!! I fervently hope it doesn't come to that. I really, truly plan to do the writing. I'm on a deadline! And lucky for me, I'm GREAT with deadlines!