Thursday, January 26, 2012


Pinterest is my latest love. I spend a great deal of time on their site, pinning like mad. I usually have to quit when my hand are numb from holding the mouse! Sometimes I have to quit because my behind has gone to sleep. Otherwise, I'd pin for hours.

When I can't sleep, I sit at the computer to pin. My lunch break is spent pinning. First thing I do when I get home is turn on the computer to see what is new to pin. Addiction? hummmmm

It began innocently enough. One of my cousins mentioned it on Facebook. I hadn't heard of it, so I googled it, wangled an invitation and accessed their site. It took a few days to get the hang of it, and another week to realize that I needed to organize the pins into categories.

This was around Thanksgiving. I was off for a few days and had time to spare, so I fiddled around. Next thing I knew, I was following various people and their pins. My account had grown to 40 boards (categories). I took the time to look at my friends Pinterest boards, see if anyone else was as obsessed as I was. No, I was leading the charge!

Now, I have 101 boards, several hundred followers, several hundred people I follow, and endless fun looking, categorizing, pinning. It keeps me out of trouble. It's free. The pins are entertaining to look at. I spend some days just looking at the cool things I have pinned already. But we all know, I'm easily amused.Look at my Pins at Let me know where YOUR pins are so I can look and repin them :)

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